Archive for January, 2014
YATC Cool Wheels Car Show

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” In 2006, I started temping at JM Family Enterprises. Every Wednesday, my boss and one of the other women in my department tutored at the Youth Automotive Training Center (YATC). I was […]
Living the Dream

“Who would have thought squash and alcohol would taste so fantastic together…” – Gina Pacelli, Facebook 10/24/13 I grew up in a small town on the North Shore. To us, it was known as “the center of the universe.” To all others, our little bubble was known as Lynnfield, Massachusetts. There were two elementary schools, the happy […]
A Day in Paradise — The JM Family Way

One plane. 14 associates. Three flight crew. 30-minute flight to Treasure Cay in the Abacos, Bahamas. Five minutes to clear Customs. Four boats (one was a yacht known as the Gallant Lady). 16 marine crew. Two excursions (fishing or island hopping). 10 associates fished (I fished along with Josh, David, Noelle, and Jonah); four island hopped (four dozen […]