Archive for July, 2014
The Hot Convict with the Teardrop
“Beautiful in my opinion has nothing to do with looks. It’s how you are as a person and how you make others feel about themselves.” – The Notebook of Life The title of my blog is misleading. I do not think the convict with the teardrop is “hot” as many others do. However, as I was […]
NY: Le Jardin Du Roi, a Clinton Favorite

“A recipe has no soul. You as the cook must bring soul to the recipe.” – Thomas Keller After my training in New York City, I ventured to the suburbs to visit my friend, Erin, and her family. One night, Erin and I hit a French restaurant in a neighboring town, Chappaqua. The Clintons often frequent the place […]
NYC: 9/11 Memorial… Never Forget

“After the 9/11 apocalypse happened in New York City, people, particularly New Yorkers, who breathed in the ash, or saw the results of that, have a tendency to keep seeing echoes and having flashbacks to it.” – Stephen King Reflection Where were you on September 11th? What daggers shot through your body when you saw […]
Bahamas: Fortune Beach, Grand Bahama Island

“Cheers to beach hair, tan skin, flip flops, and sandy toes.” – Author Unknown I recently visited Grand Bahama Island with my friend, Brenda. I purchased two $49 vouchers for a day trip aboard a ferry, Balearia Bahamas Express, from Travelzoo. (Note: Another $18 per person was due at check-in.) I have been to a few Bahamian Islands, […]