You Know You’re Getting Older When…
“Live your life and forget your age.” – Norman Vincent Peale
In my mid-20s, I left Massachusetts for warmer climates. For years, my mom stored my childhood belongings, until she permanently moved to Florida. As she packed up her house, I sifted through my memories and saved a few things in a box. Recently, my sister gave me the box. Oh the things I discovered… my college degree, old photos, my high school yearbook. I also came across a few sheets of paper I had written in my early 20s…
You know you’re getting older when…
- You start having conversations about the weather.
- When you receive recipes in the mail from your friends; when you send your friends recipes.
- You look around a bar and everyone looks younger than you.
- When you leave a bar at 1:30 a.m. so that you can go home and sleep.
- Someone gives you a free shot, and you try to give it to someone else, and you have to ask like eight people before someone finally drinks the shot.
- You can’t pull all-nighters anymore.
- When it takes you twice as long to read a book as it used to.
- When you’re at a bar, and you’re legal.
- When you can’t remember high school classmates’ last names.
- When you can no longer recognize people you used to be neighbors with.
- When high school classmates are engaged.
- When you go to bed by 12:00 a.m.
- When you start hanging out with your family over your friends.
- When you look around a room and you see several people you have a history with.
- When your “baby” siblings are graduating from elementary, middle school, and high school.
- When you start a paper two days in advance of the due date instead of the night before.
- When you’re applying to graduate schools or trying to get a “real” job.
- When you go out for coffee instead of a drink.
- When you refuse free drinks.
- When you give up Thursday nights because you have a 9:35 a.m. class.
- When you attend all your classes, even when attendance isn’t required.
- When you no longer have to flirt with bouncers to get into a bar.
- When you no longer have to flirt with cops to avoid getting arrested for underage drinking.
- When your younger siblings start driving.
- When you retire your fake ID.
- When you’re approaching the alumni status.
- When your little cousins aren’t so little anymore; they’re in high school.
- When you’re older than all of your siblings and cousins, but they’re taller than you.
- When your childhood dream boys are old men and aren’t so cute anymore.
- When your friends start getting “real” jobs.
- When you are bored at a bar.
- When you go to a bar on a Saturday night looking like you need a shower, a different outfit, and a new hair style.
- When you’re up at school and you go home from the bars sober.
- When freshmen look like children to you.
- When you’re in on a Friday or Saturday night doing homework.
- When you skip a football game to do homework.
- When you get up before 1:00 p.m. on a weekend day to do homework.
- When you talk to your friend at 11:30 p.m., and you’re tired.
- When you’re in bed by 11:00 p.m.
- When you realize you’re human.
- When it gets more difficult to drink alcohol on a daily basis.