Skydiving: Conquer Your Fears
“Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.”
Memories ignited
While flipping through my Facebook feed, I bumped into a Will Smith video on skydiving. One night, when drinking with his friends, someone came up with the great idea of skydiving. The whole night, his skin crawled with terror. Regardless, he showed up the next morning for his skydiving adventure. When he jumped, he had the most blissful experience of his life — he was flying. He realized at the point of maximum danger, there was no fear. Watching his video transported me back to my skydiving experience.
Fear of heights
I am afraid of heights. For years, the temptation of skydiving burned a hole in the pit of my stomach. The fire kept growing, until I could no longer ignore my desire. I mustered up the courage to confront my fears. The seed which was planted during my short stint in San Diego needed to flower. When I lived in Florida, I finally plunged into the sky.
No turning back
The fateful day arrived. I could feel the oxygen evaporate from my body as we flew above the clouds. To stop the abnormal pounding of my heart, I had to detach from reality. This was the only way I could stop myself from fainting. There was no way I was going to go back down in the plane. My skin had tingled for way too long with the fantasy of flying. The rush was just within my grasp, if I could only conquer my fear.
The guy who would take me on this wild adventure brought me to the edge of the plane. I could not look down. Instead, my gaze drifted up towards God, praying for him to keep me alive and safe. Within a blink, I was in the air.
Adrenaline rush
As soon as I was flying, all fear vanished. The intensity of the moment shut down the chatter in my head. As I flew, I only felt the rush of pure energy surging through m body. I was elated, in a way I had never been before. A childlike awe engulfed me.
The jump ended way too soon. I felt intoxicated. I could barely stand, but I wanted to board the next plane. My friend, Lauren, and I giggled the whole ride home. We left in a state of euphoria.
Lesson learned
Would I fly again? Possibly. The thought is like a punch in the stomach. Fear has once again seeped into my head. To conquer my fear, once more, I must remember one thing. During the maximum point of danger, there is no fear. Only exhilaration.