Natural Highs
My Skinny Friends Skip Sweets

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.” – Unknown Feeling Fat The picture above is a photo of me, when I lived in Florida. I was smiling, but my dimples were buried. My face was too bloated for them to appear. Usually, these natural […]
The Salt Cave, Naples, Florida

“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” – Donna Karan When I lived in Delray Beach, Florida, I used to frequent the Salt Suite. I loved the feeling of serenity I experienced at the end of a session. I tried to expose as many of my friends as I could to the benefits […]
Saltana Cave

“Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.” When I lived in Delray Beach, Florida, I used to frequent the Salt Suite with my friend, Brenda. I loved going there to relax and meditate, while the dead sea salt cleansed me. I learned there was a salt […]
South Florida: Dr. Nick’s Magic Needles

“I’m afraid of needles, except acupuncture needles.” – Catherine O’Hara I hate needles. When I was a kid, I needed stitches. To keep me from thrashing my body around, the doctors had to wrap me up in towels. That’s how resistant I once was to the anticipation of having a little piece of metal puncturing my […]
Dead Sea Salt Therapy

I recently went to the Salt Suite with my friend, Brenda. The Salt Suite has two rooms full of salt from the dead sea — one for adults and one for children. The walls, ceiling and floor are made of salt. Customers are required to wear socks as they will walk through mounds of salt […]
45 Minutes of Bliss

I recently attended one of Brenda’s Yoga Nidra meditations at Greenlands Variety Store in Delray Beach, Florida. Although it’s called Yoga Nidra, you do not perform any yoga poses. Instead, you lay there as Brenda guides you into a deep, 45-minute meditation. Yoga Nidra means yogi sleep. You are awake, but you are in a deep state of […]
I Met A Guru

I recently went on a yoga retreat at Amrit Yoga Institute for $139. This included my accommodations, meals, yoga, Yoga Nidra, lectures with a guru, and more. Friday 7:00 a.m.: My alarm went off. I hit the snooze button. My radio never came on again, and I drifted off until 8:15 a.m. I’m not a morning person. […]