Tag: open road
Kennebunkport, Maine

“Road trips are measured by moments rather than miles.” Kennebunkport, Maine is full of New England charm. Being an ocean lover, I was very excited when my travels took me to this cute, little town situated along the seashore. Before heading to my hotel, the Kennebunkport Inn, I found the ocean. Although the weather chilled my […]
Jackson Falls, New Hampshire

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein I like waterfalls. When I lived in California, I bought a book on hiking to waterfalls. I explored many of these hikes before I left. Upon moving back to Massachusetts, I stumbled upon this article, The Ultimate New Hampshire Waterfall Road Trip Is Here – […]
Niagara Falls, A Little Trip Abroad

“Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase In my current position, I travel for work. I spend countless hours on the road, driving to appointments. In the beginning, I used to try to make an adventure […]
On Third Cafe, The Jersey Shore

“Coffee… because adulting is hard.” After my work meetings, I needed to find a place to eat before jumping on the road and heading home. I realized I was very close to the Jersey Shore (Sea Girt area), a place I had never been to before. I was curious what the the beach was all […]
Open Road: Destination=Newton, New Hampshire

“Keeping to the main road is easy, but people love to get sidetracked.” After a few wonderful days in Clover, South Carolina, the time had come for me to get back on the road. With a long day ahead of me, I got an early start. I took one last wistful look at the lake, […]
Open Road: Destination=Clover, South Carolina

“Sometimes a girl just needs wide open spaces.” – therebelchick.com When I was a kid, I was not a huge fan of hopping into the family car and driving. I have always loved traveling, but I just wanted to reach my destination. When I drove from Massachusetts to California, that changed. I realized how magical road trips […]